

We love our blue planet.

We work with a global network of colleagues, companies, and advocates to further our efforts to make our environmental work a force for good in people’s lives.

2030 Carbon-neutral Commitment

We committed to becoming first carbon-neutral home goods company by 2030 for our entire footprint — from our supply chain to the use of the products we make.

1% for the Planet

We’ve pledged 1% of profits to environmental organizations.

Environmental Responsibility

Responsible Sourcing and Manufacturing.

We aim to make products and packaging using only recycled or renewable materials. At the same time, we’re
committed to consume energy and water more efficiently and maximize ocean shipping.

Less Water Waste

We rely on water to manufacture products. That’s why we are optimizing our current use, leveraging alternative and recycled sources of water, and managing our discharge responsibly.

Less Energy Waste

We find ways to consume energy more efficiently. We’re focused on using less energy across our operations. And we continue these same efforts into our supply chain, which benefits those living in areas where our suppliers operate.

Exploring Renewables

We seek out opportunities to transition to renewable sources. We’ve supported our suppliers in finding innovative solutions to reduce and recycle waste.


CO2 Offsets

Yes, we should be held accountable for our environmental impact. So until we reach our goal of zero, we’re taxing ourselves for the carbon we do emit, and investing in carbon offsets projects.


Smarter Chemistry

Through chemistry innovation and rigorous controls, we design our products to be safe for anyone who assembles, uses, or recycles them— and to be better for the environment.


Less Carbon-intensive Shipping

We’re also working to maximize ocean shipping, which is much less carbon intensive than shipping by air.





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